Lets say, I have two different CST simulated files, I want to compare the band diagram results of both design, how can I simply export the results in Matlab using script PS: I know that we can export.
Does any one can help me Thanks again Cite Can you help by adding an answer Answer Add your answer Similar questions and discussions How to export 2d3d plot to matlab from cst Question 11 answers Asked 27th May, 2018 Hammad Ahmed Hello everyone, I am trying to plot electric field distribution of my periodic structure in the MATLAB, for this, I have to export data from CST to MATLAB.. You could also leave the step width field blank, to see if it works The internal files contain data which is usually not open for the user, the export option should be used instead.. This way I obtain a neat 2D contourplot inside the CST programme There is in fact an Export option Plot Data (ASCII), but after having entered some step width in the x-direction (which is perpendicular to my plane.. View What is the difference between a time domain solver and a frequency domain solver in cst mws Question 27 answers Asked 6th Nov, 2014 Pudu Atchutarao Hi all, What is the difference in between a time domain solver and a frequency domain solver in cst mws softaware and which is most used View How can we choose the boundaries conditions in CST Question 9 answers Asked 18th Jun, 2015 Ahmed Ahmed I want to design a patch antenna b y using CST software but I am facing a problem with boundaries conditions.
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Cite 2 Recommendations 12th Oct, 2015 Muhammad Waseem Ashraf Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia If you are getting ASCII file without numerical values, the problem may be you are defining step width incorrectly.. On the other hand, if its a simple XY plot, the result will be only a 2-column style. twin disc torque converter specifications free download for windows 10 enterprise
Thanks again Cite 19th Jan, 2016 Rodrigues Kwate Hello, I have the same probleme before and after an update.. Maybe you can share a picture of the model and the file to chck where is the problem.. Does any one can help me Thanks again Cite 19th Jan, 2016 Rodrigues Kwate Hello, I have the same problem before and after an update.. :) Cite All Answers (10) 8th Oct, 2015 Marcelo B Perotoni Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC) Hi Martinus If youre viewing the field on a plane, for instance, the export option should result on a matrix format (ascii), with all the complex component field values assigned to each spatial point.. Cst Microwave Studio How To Import ThatAlthough, I have a text file in ASCII format with number of columns in it but I dont know how to import that file into the MATLAB and plot the data.. Try its different values make sure you have selected the field component you want to export (Ex, Ey, Ez or AbsNormalTangential).. ) the software yields an error or produces a small text file without any numerical values.. Maybe it is possible to extract the data directly from some file in the associated Result directory The exotic file extensions, however, make this a non-trivial task; maybe someone with more experience in this field could help me out Thank you in advance for your interest and any help.. Maybe theres a problem with your CST (do you have the latest service pack) You could try to save it with another name, or using another PC for that matters. 5842b3f4e3 Jvc Gr Dvp3 Driver For Mac
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